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After the developer met with residents, the neighborhood praised the proposal. To Ahearn Koch, this is an example of how the system should work: residents were insistent on a project that was in keeping with their neighborhood, and eventually, the end result was a project with which they agreed. She said running for City Commission was the logical next step, but putting herself out there as a candidate was still intimidating. As people have volunteered to help her campaign, it has affirmed her decision to leap into the political realm. Amid the chaos of the election, that affirmation has served as her guiding force, propelling her toward the finish line. If its not resonating, then you shouldnt be doing it, Ahearn Koch said. And it is resonating. People keep coming out in support. Browse a digital collection of our other publications, magazines and special sections such as Season Magazine, Health Matters, Holiday Gift Guide and more . It is important that we continue to promote these adverts as our local businesses need as much support as possible during these challenging times. Undated handout artists impression issued by Glasgow City Council of plans for Glasgow Airport that form part of the blueprint from the Glasgow Connectivity Commission.
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